Friday, April 17, 2009

forgiving and forgetting.

I would like to hear your opinion on forgiving and forgetting. When people hurt you: do you forgive and forget? Or do you just forgive but don’t forget?

People who tend to be seen as good – usually forgive and forget. But I don’t think that this is a question of being good or evil – I think the point is about being just. So maybe the tendency to forgive and forget those that have hurt us is not necessarily a good thing. Because if we don’t do anything to people that hurt us – they will probably continue on hurting others.

This is the way I see it and I would like to hear you about this subject and also your own experiences.

1 comment:

rameezkakakhel said...

You can Forgive but you rarely Forget... In fact you don't forget but you Ignore... In my case I do forget things certain times (but not from people very close to me) and those I remember I just ignore, thinking "OK! So what? Why bother myself thinking about that person or thing."
"Because if we don’t do anything to people that hurt us – they will probably continue on hurting others."
I have one simple rule... Someone hurt me, OK! Hurt Badly.. Throw him out of your life. Next come the person comes in front of me, I don't know him... Sorry! but who are you? That's enough for him to understand the situation.. But again it depends. Sometimes the person doesn't even know he/she has hurt you.
"Hurting Repeatedly"
Forgiveness doesn't mean staying silent. For sensitive people it's the ultimate punishment. Choosing your words when saying "It's OK!" can even have devastating effects on the other person, In case he/she understands Better make him understand. But there are people who are like Rocks. they don't listen, don't feel, don't care. Yes, you have to say punish them for their wrong doings.
I believe that we ( i ) are not the ultimate authority to judge & rule decisions. Time, God & Government.

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