Friday, June 18, 2010

where you want to see yourself in next five years?

yes this question was asked by interviewer yesterday.

and i couldn't give him the right answer that was in my mind.

I wanna see myself with my kids and husband in next five years, and i see myself as a great house wife. not a working women.

for few sec i got silent, what to reply him. then suddenly project manager came in my mind, because i did PMP training, and after doing that it was one of my goal.... to become pm, only in case i ddnt get married.




Terminals Testing said...

Wish you best of luck my friend.
You should have replied him that You want to see yourself at least 2 grades above him so that you can kick on his :) :) and can make him to feel the same thing as you felt that time.
well one more suggestion while on interview keep all of your personal things a side. And give the answers as a Man - according to me just a thought of a man can make us strong :) :) :)

sumerasblog said...

yes. u r rite. "keep all of your personal things a side. And give the answers as a Man"
i keep my personal things a side. and i didn't tell him the truth.

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