Saturday, October 18, 2008

personality color test results

Today morning i attempt personality color test at this site, and got below result.

Result of My test :

Your results present a correlation ratio with our model superior to 98 % .
( In a general way, a result can be taken into account if this ratio is superior to 30 %.)

Your Profile :

You are 42 % extrovert and 58 % introvert.

Independently of any order of importance :
You are intellectual and intelligent, you wonder and you inquire before taking any action.
You are also creative, you always have new ideas, and your inspiration comes from the inside.
Finely you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them towards the set goals.

Your attitude towards the environment :




At first, at 38%, you are attached to moral values and feelings, and you have an emotional relation with the environment.

Then, at a rate of 35%, you are centered on your thoughts and your actions are determined by your knowledge and your experience.

Finally, at 25%, you are focused on the facts and on the reality, and your decisions are determined by your perception of facts.

Your highest qualities today :

At 22 %, you are intellectual and intelligent, you keep wondering and inquiring before setting up your next step or defining your values.

At 21 %, you are a creative person, with always new ideas, and you know how to apply them.

At 18 %, you are creative, you know how to see beauty, you are intuitive and your inspiration comes from the inside.

18 %, you are a manager and a structured person, you know how to take into account the needs of each person while leading them to the fixed goals.

At 18 %, you are thoughtful and deep, you think before getting into action and you know how to communicate your knowledge.

Finely, you are a manager and a leader, and you know how to organize groups of people and how to give them your energy, you are thoughtful and capable of listening to others, you take into account the needs of others before setting up the defined objectives.

1 comment:

sum said...

this is not true. site give me wrong results.

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