Friday, October 10, 2008

journey of life

The journey of life is a strange one
Understood by none; known by none.

Its an exceptional trail trekked by all, though
None comprehends; none explain it.

I have given to life a great deal of affection
Yet I will accord the same love to death too.

I arrived into this world with teardrops
My departure from it will be all smiles.

None can tell the address of lifes destination
None has been there, none can recount.

Some unfortunate lives never lived.
Their desire to live was trumped by death.

Some flowers, they would never bloom,
For the buds were lost to the breeze.

I behold life in my confused gaze. It tires me.
What does it hold for me? What will it withhold?

The voyage of life is strange indeed
None interpret its course, none its maps read.

1 comment:

Sid said...

If we try to understand life through logic and rational thinking we are doomed to confusion and disappointment...there is an old saying,"the reason angels fly is because they take themselves so lightly"...the seriousness of our self and life may be only an illusion.

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