Wednesday, December 26, 2007

back to work after holydays

hmm! Thats a great time, with my family. I spend these holidays at my sweet home with my sweet family members.  I enjoyed vary well. Eid was good.

Monday, December 17, 2007

new project in queue and lack of resources

:(  I am in tension, because there are many projects, on which i have to work, and those should be completed on there time line, i need some developers in my team, but my boss is not allowing me to appoint, or hire new employees.

If those projects will get delayed, then risk will be lack of resources.. Current team members are already busy for tasks.  This is the problem.  The company in which i m doing job, has process, that i don't like (personally).

In these types of situation, what i have to do?  Sales department involves in costing of projects, they are non technical persons, they also can't estimate properly cost of projects.